Persson and Tabellini only include countries of democratic rule in their sample. To be included in the cross-section, an average of the Freedom House indices for civil liberties and political rights (fh_cl and fh_pr) lower than an average of 5 for the 1990-1998 period is required. For the 1960- 1998 panel data, Persson and Tabellini include country-years that obtain a score greater than zero on the Polity democracy indicator (p_polity2) (For details, see Persson and Tabellini 2003, 74- 77).
Last updated by source: 2012-05-26
Dataset type: | Time-Series |
Dataset level: | Country |
(Persson & Tabellini,
Dummy variable: 1. If the country has a federal political structure 0. Otherwise
More about this variableDummy variable: 1. The lower house is selected under plurality rule 0. Otherwise. Only legislative elections (lower house) are considered.
More about this variableDummy variable: 1. For presidential regimes 0. Otherwise. Only regimes in which the confidence of the assembly is not necessary for the executive to stay in power (even if an elected president is not the chief executive, or if there is no elected president) are included among presidential regimes. Most semi-presidential and premier-presidential systems are classified as parliamentary.
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